Monday 26 November 2012

Ah Boys to Men

The good news.  Ah Boys to Men is now the second highest grossing local film and managed to recoup the costs.  A relief to the Singapore film industry.

But did I enjoy the movie?

A prolong opening sequence worried me.  With possibly more resources to make this movie, Director Jack Neo spent unnecessary time on it.  While it was inevitable that caricatures characters would appear, Jack Neo should have thought of new angles or scenarios.  For example, Irene Ang played a mother worried about her son's enlistment and would find ways to defer his enlistment or get him a lighter military duty.  She was good in the role, but was failed by the script.

The various youngsters who played the recruits put on credible performances, but the whole film seemed to focus on one who had girlfriend problem and a bad attitute on national service.  It does make this film a bit trivial. Isn't it time to explore deeper issues?

On the bright side, youngsters seemed to enjoy this movie.  Hope I am the isolated case. 

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